Facial features appear on toast, in the grain of a wooden door, even in tea leaves left after a soothing afternoon’s drink. Are we seeing them, or are they seeing us? Some thoughts are just plain fun.
Tag: just journaling 🤓
Temporary reprieve 🤓
I spend so much of my time in a world of anger, frustration and selfishness, it is notable when I have a moment of reprieve from it. As I have a tendency to seek nature for that reprieve and the source of the need so frequently comes from people, it is notable when a loving…
Progress 🤓
Sometimes it takes so very little to make for a good day. I wish I could remember that more often. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the trappings of life that I forget the real things in my life. The real world, as it turns out, feels more real than it is. …
A moment of stillness ⏪
Some days, for no explicable reason, inspire people to leave the cocoons of their homes and enjoy the beauty of time passed together. I love that kind of day. It makes me believe humanity has a chance to overcome its selfishness. – J.L. Munn 22 October 2009
Remember your fortune 🤓
On occasion it is good for one to consider the good fortune of living in a place where the overhead passing of an aeroplane evokes a gentle sense of unkown adventures. Not all who see such sights can continue their peaceful evening stroll.Â
Does Length Matter? 🤓
In the world of writing, there are a number of frequently asked questions and at the top we always find: “How long does my story need to be?” The clichĂ© answer also happens to be the true answer. Your story needs to have the exact amount of words necessary to express your story in…
Life, death and the written word 🤓
In response to From Negotiating With The Dead by Margaret Atwood As a human being, particularly as a human being from a part of the world where your real “roots” are never really known to you, I’ve spent years of my life considering where I belong and why I wasn’t born into that place…and why I…
Masking 🤓
Death masks have been around for a while and have different presentations depending on the period and the culture. My first encounter with them were the white plaster versions, from a time well before mine. At first encounter they were creepy, but as I looked more closely at them, I found their beauty. They were…
Writing with pictures 🤓
As a young artist I thought my job was to “control” my art.  I was to define it (and myself), mold it (and myself) and ultimately deny what fell outside of that mold.  Writing was something that required pen and paper, though I did eventually succumb to the call of the keyboard.  I considered myself…
Powerless 🤓
The power went out a few weeks ago. It started early in the evening and lasted well into the heart of the night. More so than the day, an outage at night, if you are awake, shows you how loud life has become. Thank God it didn’t last for days. I almost noticed that my…