Sisyphean (adj.): Referring to a task that is endless and futile, requiring continuous effort with no hope of completion. It originates from the Greek myth of Sisyphus, who was condemned to roll a boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down each time he neared the top.
Example: Day after day, he sorted the endless piles of paperwork, each stack replenished as soon as he reached the bottom. It was a Sisyphean task—one that mocked his efforts, ensuring he would never know the satisfaction of completion.
Sisyphéen (adj.) : Qui est interminable et vain, demandant un effort constant sans espoir d’aboutir. L’origine vient du mythe de Sisyphe, condamné à pousser une pierre jusqu’au sommet d’une colline, sans jamais y parvenir.
Exemple : Son travail était un labeur sisyphéen : chaque fois qu’il croyait toucher au but, un nouvel obstacle surgissait, anéantissant ses efforts.
image generated by ChatGPT via prompts provided by J.L. Munn (February 2025)
image généré par ChatGPT à partir des invites fournies par J.L. Munn (février 2025)